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14 . DHL contact phone number in main destination countries

Below is the list for your reference of DHL contact numbers for listed countries. Sometimes if there is a delivery problem, our customer service staff will personally contact DHL China to assist you, meanwhile you also can contact your local DHL yourself, and maybe the problem will be solved quicker.

DHL UK: +44 1332816960
DHL France: +33 472613098
DHL Australia: +61 738457850
DHL Germany: +49 610376560
DHL Canada: +1 9056731345
DHL Denmark: +45 70345345
DHL Hellas (Greece) +30-210-989 0000

- Customer Service: 1-800-225-5345
- Attempted Delivery Inquires: 1-888-273-8876

If you know any more useful local courier numbers, please let us know, as the courier companies aren't too good at publishing them!





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